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What Is the Best Way to Defeat Handyman in Bioshock Infinite?

What Is the Best Way to Defeat Handyman in Bioshock Infinite?

In Bioshock Infinite, Handyman plays an integral part as a bouncer that his main job is to protect Columbia from any attack and threat of other people outside the city. In this game, Handyman is also one of many villains that will hold back Booker from entering to the city of Columbia. Talking about his strength, Handyman is a really tough villain that can cause such great damages to Booker and even punch him to death.

However, even though this big fat enemy possesses such a great power in his 2 giant hands, in Bioshock Infinite, Handyman proved can be defeated if you can combine all of Booker’s strengths, from his big guns and telekinesis powers, and then optimize the use of Skyline to avoid Handyman whenever he starts attacking you back.

In this article, there are some facts about Handyman that you probably should know about. And if you happen to have some sort of problems when facing him in this game, here you’ll find out about how to defeat Handyman and what is the best way to fight him in this game.

Who is Handyman and What is His Role in Columbia?

First of all, you need to know about who Handyman really is. In this latest installment of Bioshock Infinite, Handyman is narrated as a really big guy that all over his body is made from steel. So from his overall appearance, we can see how Handyman looks like a giant robot. However, even though most of his body is made from metal, there are 2 parts in his body that still humanize him, his head and his heart.

As a matter of fact, these 2 parts are the only genuine human parts that can be found in Handyman’s body. So despite his robot appearance, it’s good to know that he can still think as a human and has a feeling of a normal human. But then again, despite these 2 human parts that still make him a normal person, Handyman is still a dangerous villain that has been programmed by Comstock to stop and kill Booker every time they meet each other in the battle.

Handyman Appearance in Bioshock Infinite

Handyman has 2 really giant hands. These 2 doll alike hands are capable to create such great damages to your health bar every time his jab lands in Booker’s face. That’s not so surprising given that Handyman has a really huge body, plus he is made from steel. So no wonder if he possesses such a great power in his hands.

As shown in this latest Bioshock game, Handyman appears for the very first time when Booker enters the floating city of Columbia. In that part of the game, we can see how Handyman is being “showcased” in front of the people in Columbia on the stage, similar like a “Freak Show” stage where weird people are gathered around in one place to show off their weirdness to people.

The good thing is, in that moment, Booker, who hasn’t been recognized as “the False Sheppard” by the public of Columbia, doesn’t need to face Handyman yet in the direct battle. However, the bad news comes around when Booker finally has to meet Handyman face-to-face in the real battle after people of Columbia find out about the initial of “AD” or Anna Dewitt on Booker’s hand.

What is Handyman’s job in Columbia?

In Bioshock Infinite, Handyman is given a job by Comstock to protect Columbia along with the people from the attacks and threats of Vox Populi, some group of people that are against “The Founders”, the group from Columbia government led by Comstock, and want to change Columbia as a new better place where all people, including black and Irish people, can be treated equally without any discrimination of race, tribe, or anything.

Besides protecting Columbia from Vox Populi’s attacks, Handyman also becomes one of Booker’s enemies, big bosses to be exact. Handyman is also tasked by Comstock to keep Booker away from Columbia and most importantly, from Elizabeth.

What is Handyman’s Main Strength?

The biggest strength possessed by Handyman in this game is the power to knock enemies down with his 2 giant hands. This is the reason why you as Booker has to stay in far distance whenever you fight against Handyman in the battle because if he manages to land his jab in Booker’s face, then most of the time, his giant hands can cause such great damages to your health bar.

The other strength of Handyman is his ability to hack the Skyline and stream an electric shock to this track. Well, the Skyline is the roller coaster track that is spreading out across the sky of Columbia. This skyline is mostly used to transport cargoes, while people with grappling hook, including Booker, can also use the Skyline to travel quickly from one place to other place without walking.

However, when facing this big villain, you must be really careful when jumping to the skyline because Handyman is capable to shock you to death when he turns the skyline into the electrocuted track.

How to Defeat Handyman?

There are many ways to defeat Handyman. The most obvious way is definitely by using your big guns like shotgun or other powerful weapons at your disposal. However, using only big guns to fight Handyman will not be effective because Handyman is really strong and he can quickly bounce back to attack Booker with his big fat hands. Therefore, before facing Handyman in person, you must firstly master the controls of Booker and knows how to use all of Booker’s weapons, including his telekinesis powers.

Using the Skyline

Besides depending your life to your weapons and telekinesis powers, the Skyline can also be really helpful to avoid any attack from Handyman. But you must always be well aware whenever Handyman uses his electric power to hack the Skyline. This will turn the Skyline into such a big danger to you as this electrocuted track will suck most of your health bar to death. So every time you see any electric spark on the Skyline, the best thing to do is to jump away from the skyline and make a fast landing to the ground or any platform around you.

Using the Guns and Telekinesis Powers

And as I mentioned earlier, one of the best guns to kill Handyman is shotgun. If you happen to own this weapon at your disposal, then you better use it when facing Handyman. Aim your target to his heart as this is the most fragile element in his body. Not to mention, even though the damages created by telekinesis powers are not that huge to Handyman, this magic power can still be useful to attack Handyman every time you have a chance to use it.

Elizabeth’s Help Always Comes in Handy

Not only that, besides using guns, telekinesis powers and the Skyline, you can also depend on Elizabeth’s help to open the tears in order to bring some goodies from other different realities to Booker’s reality, such as: medics, bullets, armors, walls to defend and even decoys to distract Handyman from attacking you.

Well, if you can combine all of those Booker’s strengths and know when to jump to the skyline to avoid Handyman’s attacks, plus with the help from Elizabeth, then you have a huge chance to defeat Handyman in any direct battle with him.

What about you? Do you have any other trick that you usually use to fight Handyman in Bioshock Infinite? If you do, then feel free to share your town trick on the comment section below.