Want to spice up your website, app, web app or bots? Why not try some fun and helpful APIs? But most of the API needs authorization tokens which can be found via purchasing a subscription. Even, some may have a Free plan along with the paid but those free APIs are for limited usage.
So, wondering if the are any APIs offering their services for free but without limitations? Then you are in the right place. Here we are listing some best free unrestricted API to use for your app, website or bots.
1. Bored API
Bored API helps to find something to do when bored. It replies with random things to do according to the number of participants, activity type, age, money, etc.
SAMPLE USAGE: ------------- URL QUERY: http://www.boredapi.com/api/activity/ RSPONSE: "activity": "Learn Express.js", "accessibility": 0.25, "type": "education", "participants": 1, "price": 0.1, "link": "https://expressjs.com/", "key": "3943506"
2. PublicAPIs API
PublicAPIs API helps you to get a list of all public APIs cataloged in the project by specifying the api category or a random one.
SAMPLE USAGE: ------------- URL QUERY: https://api.publicapis.org/random RSPONSE: "count":1,"entries":["API":"Eve Online","Description":"Third-Party Developer Documentation","Auth":"OAuth","HTTPS":true,"Cors":"unknown","Link":"https://esi.evetech.net/ui","Category":"Games \u0026 Comics"]
3. RandomUsers API
Get random fake users information/bio-data including name, gender, email address, bank, etc
SAMPLE USAGE: ------------- URL QUERY: https://randomuser.me/api/ RSPONSE: "results":["gender":"female","name":"title":"Mrs","first":"Anni","last":"Pelto","location":"street":"number":3459,"name":"Hermiankatu","city":"Larsmo","state":"South Karelia","country":"Finland","postcode":14434,"coordinates":"latitude":"-6.5162","longitude":"31.3228","timezone":"offset":"+3:30","description":"Tehran","email":"[email protected]","login":"uuid":"1a69526b-0c84-4292-a8dc-eba6b7aaddc1","username":"smalltiger725","password":"sunflowe","salt":"VFqjLi5G","md5":"4bfde86c542c1cc12b9016bc90eab0dc","sha1":"9540367f040f020cd2d871ca3821821531744677","sha256":"17661485ec10fe8d4b5f53d6048e5aa1ee2523d251865cd13f88217e8e3a9bd7","dob":"date":"1980-10-07T16:23:51.372Z","age":42,"registered":"date":"2009-02-23T16:03:37.199Z","age":13,"phone":"05-668-870","cell":"042-042-14-07","id":"name":"HETU","value":"NaNNA242undefined","picture":"large":"https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/68.jpg","medium":"https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/med/women/68.jpg","thumbnail":"https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/thumb/women/68.jpg","nat":"FI"],"info":"seed":"3ee2a2ea4543e27b","results":1,"page":1,"version":"1.3"
4. Agify.io API
Agify.io API helps you to predict age of a person by their name. It might be helpful for analytics, ad segmenting, demographic statistics, etc.
SAMPLE USAGE: ------------- URL QUERY: https://api.agify.io?name=alvin RSPONSE: "name":"alvin","age":49,"count":8539
5. Genderize.io API
Genderize.io API helps you to predict the gender of a person by their name
SAMPLE USAGE: ------------- URL QUERY: https://api.genderize.io?name=parker RSPONSE: "name":"parker","gender":"male","probability":0.91,"count":982
6. Nationalize.io
Nationalize.io API helps your to predict the nationality of a person by their name.
SAMPLE USAGE: ------------- URL QUERY: https://api.nationalize.io?name=michael RSPONSE: "name":"michael","country":["country_id":"US","probability":0.08986482266532715,"country_id":"AU","probability":0.05976757527083082,"country_id":"NZ","probability":0.04666974820852911]
7. Zippopotam
Zippopotam API helps you to get information about any ZIP codes.
SAMPLE USAGE: ------------- URL QUERY: http://api.zippopotam.us/us/90210http://universities.hipolabs.com/search?country=United+States RSPONSE: "post code": "90210", "country": "United States", "country abbreviation": "US", "places": ["place name": "Beverly Hills", "longitude": "-118.4065", "state": "California", "state abbreviation": "CA", "latitude": "34.0901"]
8. Universities List
Universities List API helps you to get list of all universities in any specific country you want to.
SAMPLE USAGE: ------------- URL QUERY: http://universities.hipolabs.com/search?country=United+States The response data is too big. if you want to check the sample response click on the URL QUERY link.
9. IPify
IPify API helps you to get your current IP address. It’s useful when you want to get a users IP from your website or apps.
SAMPLE USAGE: ------------- URL QUERY: https://api.ipify.org/?format=json RSPONSE: "ip":""
10. IPinfo
IPinfo API helps you to get information about any specified IP address including geological information, ISP, and carrier information.
SAMPLE USAGE: ------------- URL QUERY: https://ipinfo.io/ RSPONSE: "ip": "", "city": "New York City", "region": "New York", "country": "US", "loc": "40.7152,-73.9877", "org": "AS22252 The City of New York", "postal": "10002", "timezone": "America/New_York", "readme": "https://ipinfo.io/missingauth"
Bonus: More Free APIs (No Auth Needed)
- Cat Facts: Get random cat facts
- CoinDesk: Get Bitcoin Price Index in real-time
- DataUSA: Get US public data
- Dogs: Get random dog images
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The post Top 10 Free Public APIs Without Need Of Auth Token first appeared on ZealTyro.
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