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How To Impress A Girl – Secret Tips Every Man Should Know

How To Impress A Girl – Secret Tips Every Man Should Know

It’s very unfortunate that many guys lack the basic art on how to impress a girl. They do it from all the wrong angles which turn off the interest of the girl they are chasing after. It should be known that approaching and impressing a girl is an art that is learned, developed and nurtured.

Although girls have different preferences and taste when it comes to choosing a man, there are common things they all consider before accepting a man’s proposal. Therefore, it’s a must for every man to have general knowledge on what ladies look out for in order to get a ticket to their hearts. Do you have a girl of your dreams you have been chasing all along with no success? Begin a new chapter by reading the below tips on how to impress a girl without looking fake or desperate.

Let Your Personality Shine

Many girls have prioritized a man’s good personality on top of their list as the main key thing they look out for. Having a great, admirable and a good personality she can relate with is a plus when it comes to dating. Some of the key personalities issues girls look out for in a man include:

  • Good Conversation Skills: As a man who wants to impress a girl on your first date or even the entire dating period, you have to sharpen your conversation skills when with her. Avoid being too talkative about things that a girl is not interested in since it creates an impression that you don’t value her interests. Also, involve her in your conversations by asking her opinions about your dreams, ambitions etc. However, ensure that you don’t oppose her suggestions as she may think you are very inconsiderate. Thirdly, don’t show off since a girl may think that you are a boasting type of guys which ladies don’t like at all.
  • Have Fun and Be Playful: Girls fall in love with funny guys so easily. Thus, try to be humorous and make her laugh although make sure that the jokes you are throwing do not impact negatively on her looks or anything in her life.
  • Always Compliment Her: Ladies love when their hair, eyes, face and anything on their body is complimented. Always do that whenever you are around her and she will always wish to be around you every time.

Always Pay Attention

Many men do not know that paying attention is one of the great tips on how to impress a girl. Girls like and fall for a man who shows that he is so deep into them and is ready to listen. Don’t try to be busy with your Smartphone texting or calling everybody when you are around her because it could make her think that you care more about your phone more than you care about her. It’s also good to avoid staring at another girl while close to her because if she senses that, her mind will automatically think that you are losing interest in her which will definitely work against you.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Let’s now look at how to impress a girl by going out of your comfort zone. To win a girl’s heart has never been an easy task and a man has to work smart to achieve this objective. Try to paint her portrait with love signs all over. Give it to her during a special occasion such as on her birthday. You can also write a song about her with her name your main idea. Praise her in the song and talk about how lucky you are to have met such a queen. In addition, you can write a letter to express your feelings such that when she reads your sentiments, her heart melts and skips a beat. By doing so, you will definitely have an upper hand to get her irrespective of the competition you are facing sin not every man can do so.

Watch Out for Your Looks

Remember that the first impression is the last impression which means that you have to be well groomed and look presentable. Trim your beards in an attractive style and shave your hair in a manner that makes you look appealing. Avoid bad breath or body odour that turns her off. Thus, you have to be physically appealing and mentally stimulating to force a girl sacrifices her time for you. Put on clothes that fit you comfortably and make you feel at ease. To smell fresh, use cologne or a deodorant that smells good though the smell should be non-allergic to many people.

You don’t have to try too hard to impress that girl of your dreams. You do not need money or diamond rings to impress a girl as it only takes simple tips such as have a good personality, listening, getting out your comfort zone all because of her and being good looking. The above tips and tricks on how to impress a woman can take a long way and I highly recommend them.

If you are looking for more tips and secrets most men will never know, be sure to check out my other posts as well.