Online reputation management service companies understand very well what the importance of maintaining a good reputation means on the web. Such companies, therefore, offer a wide range of services related to reputation management. These include content management as well as other things like maintaining social networks.
There is a possibility of damaging information being presented about your company on the Web. And it is a known fact that majority customers head online to research products and services. In case they come across any bad reviews or complaints which may be visible in the search of your product or company that could mean loss of potential business opportunities for you. Reputation management tries to fix the issue by bringing forth positive feedback filled pages.
How it Works
The Online reputation management service company tracks what has been written about a client on the Web. They use search engine optimization to write positive feedback and fill pages. They also create sites that can rank higher due to keyword density and thus, result in damaging references being pushed off the first pages of all search engines like Google, Bing and so forth.
The Controversy
Experts are of the opinion that such kind of website content writing service dealing with online reputation management has ambiguous use in the sense that there is a tendency to make the customer issue ignorant rather than repairable. There are basically two groups, those who wish to do something and change their service or product, and others who want to fix the problem with quick positive reviews that make the negative feedback to go out of sight. The second group of companies is in majority who are seldom interested in trying to fix the problem. Rather they want to use the reputation management service as a tool to ensure that other people will not get to know about it.
The Balance
However, there is still difference of opinion and some researchers think that negative feedback filled pages can never be taken down and placing enough positive references is the only alternative in this respect. As such according to search engines like as long as there has been no use of manipulative practice to make this positive feedback to rank high, using reputation services is not unethical at all.
However in case there is a violation of these principles, by way of performing such activities like using hidden links or creating cookie-cutter affiliate pages in order to increase page ranking may lead to the site being banished. It is, therefore, necessary for you as the customer, to think and scrutinize the content to be published and the ways in which the reputation management company you hire is going to do it.
Online reputation management service is, thus, an effective way to deal with the risk of bad reputation and buy some time to set things right. However it is up to the company in question to genuinely try and fix the problem rather than just highlight positive feedback online. Although such solutions can fix the problem they may be only for a short term. The long run solution, therefore, is to get a solution to the problem by way of better production or service that will certainly result in higher satisfied customers and increased sales.
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